pátek 8. června 2007

Where to find money for geographical research?

Geography Grants - Roayal Geographical Society

The Society provides funding for geographical research, fieldwork and teaching. The grants are wide-ranging and offer support to desk and field-based researchers, research teams and school teachers. Grants are for work in both the UK and overseas and range in value from £350 to £15,000.

  • Expeditions & Fieldwork. Grants for undergraduate teams and other research expeditions
  • Journey of a Lifetime Award. An original journey to be broadcast on BBC Radio 4
  • Students. Funding for undergraduate, Masters and PhD student
  • Research. Grants for post-doctoral research and established scientists
  • Teaching: Grants for geography teachers and lecturers

For a printable list of all grants, including deadlines, see the summary and overview in the resource bar on the right hand side.

For general advice on applying to the RGS-IBG Grants programme please see the Advice for Applicants document in the resource bar on the right hand side. The Society does not pay overheads or indirect costs on grants.

For advice on completing risk assessments and expedition reports please refer to the Expedition Handbook link in the resource bar on the right hand side.

Grants Officer:
T +44 (0)207 591 3073
F +44 (0)207 591 3001

More information on Royal Geographical Society

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