Co se děje v Kosovu?
Určitě jste všichni zaznamenali zvýšenou pozornost o dění v Kosovu. Ze záplavy informací bych vás ráda upozornila na jeden článek, který jsem pomáhala vytvořit. Tento článek trochu vybočuje z řady agenturních zpráv a to díky tomu, že jeho zdrojem je Srbská státní televize (RTS), respektive tisková konference z 20.11.2007.
o nejnovějším vývoji v Kosovu viz:
10. prosinec se blíží! Tady máte pár scénářů, co by se také mohlo přihodit ....
At that point we should expect to see Belgrade consider a series of measures. Will they find a way to cut off telephone services? Will they find a way to perhaps reduce or cut off electricity that might be going through there [Kosovo]? Would they be tempted perhaps to shut down the borders? The answers to some of these [questions] are not yet known, others we are getting some ideas, but it's still unclear.
And then how would Belgrade respond to the countries that go on to recognize an independent Kosovo? Will it withdraw its ambassadors? Will it close its embassies and cut off diplomatic relations? Will it ask its citizens to boycott the goods that those countries -- have trade embargoes with those countries? We aren't yet certain how far they're prepared to go on these, but we should expect Belgrade to react quite angrily and the international community should not underestimate Belgrade's willingness to respond.
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1 komentář:
ooo ivanko, uz jsem myslel, ze tato stranka je mrtva...zaplat Buh, nebo Allah, ze ne :)